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Studying Setup

Which cards to study

Choose which grades of flashcard you will study (you are least familiar with 1 star cards and most familiar with 5 star cards.) Use the Control key to select multiple items on computers.

Response style

Finished Studying

Done Study again

Choose an image to upload (PNG, JPG, and GIF supported).

Your image is below. To insert a different image, remove this one first.

Save flashcard Cancel

Use this tool to create many flashcards at once. On each line, enter a question and answer separated by some character (this is the entry style). Each line will be converted into a flashcard.

To make a multiple-choice flashcard, separate each answer choice with "|" and put a "*" in front of the right choice. You can have as many choices as you want, but only one can be right.

Entry style

Free-response examples

  • 2+2: 4
  • Color of the sky - Blue

Multiple-choice examples

  • 3+3 / 4|5|*6|7
  • Color of the sun - *Yellow|Pink|Green

Long-press a card's row to view additional actions.


Card grades
Print Preview

You can export these flashcards to your device as a backup or so you can use them with other apps.

First you'll need to choose a format. Comma/slash/enter-separated are good for storing your flashcards, while other apps may use XML or JSON.

Live preview

Your code is below. Copy and save it into [some filename]..

Here, you can organize your decks into groups. To move a deck to a group, drag the deck name underneath the group name. Your changes are automatically saved.


    Sync is already set up on this device - your passcode is .

    This feature quickly and seamlessly synchronizes your flashcards on this device with your flashcards on your other devices. Your flashcards are automatically synced every time you load Cabra or create, import, or edit flashcards. You can also sync manually below.

    You haven't set up sync yet on this device.

    • If you have flashcards on another device, enter your passcode below.
    • If you have never synced before or have no cards on your other devices, create a unique, 3- or 4-word passcode and enter it below.


    Passcode hints

    Think of a memorable, unique passcode that's about 3-4 words long. Favorite book/movie names, pet names, and crazy phrases work. Some examples (don't use these!):
    • twenty thousand leagues
    • philadelphia phillies phan
    • swashbuckling penguin ghosts


    All your data is stored securely in the cloud. It's totally anonymous - the only identifying information we store is your passcode.

    We'll never give your information to someone else unless you approve it.

    If you set a password, only people who know the password will be able to download this deck.

    People who search for or download your deck will be able to see your name.

    Congrats - your deck was uploaded to Cabra's servers! Share this URL with your friends so that they can also get it:

    Search for decks

    Choose decks to view

    Use these buttons to look for decks you can download. Your internet connection must be enabled.

    Use the buttons (All, Most downloaded, etc.) to find decks to import!

    I'm always eager to hear from you, the user, to improve Cabra. Feel free to email me with questions, comments, or suggestions at . Or try one of these social networks:

    Cabra Flashcards

    Version ""
    Copyright © Neel Mehta 2011-.

    Cabra is a free, open-source studying app designed to help anyone, anywhere improve their education.

    This app is officially called Cabra Mobile and is the web/mobile/phone/tablet edition of the studying platform Cabra (that's Spanish for goat, if you're wondering). For advertising purposes, it is known as Cabra Flashcards. Internally, it is called Chevre (that's French for goat).

    Thanks to the following software that Cabra uses: jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5 Boilerplate PhoneGap, SugarJS, Cobra, jqPlot, Glyphicons, Font Awesome, Aptana Studio, Mozilla Firefox, and Quizlet.

    Main changes in this version:

    • Themes

      Support development and make Cabra look awesome.

    • Stats

      Take an in-depth look at your studying.

    Want to study on your other devices? Get the Cabra app for all your favorite platforms, including:

    Welcome to Cabra Flashcards!

    Cabra is the ultimate studying app, hand-crafted to help you learn anything, anywhere – for free!

    Hi and welcome to Cabra! Start studying with Cabra now – it's always free – and:

    • Create and study flashcards on any topic imaginable – and then some
    • Download flashcards from our database of over 20 million sets
    • Sync your flashcards effortlessly between your phone, tablet, and computer
    • Turbocharge your education with Cabra's powerful smart-studying algorithm
    Get started!

    Cabra has been updated!

    Version ""

    Congrats – Cabra has automatically been updated to the latest and greatest version! Here's what's new and improved:

    Let's go!
    deck name

    Importer help

    Find over 20 million flashcard sets on Quizlet and import them seamlessly. Just enter some keywords in the box and hit Search.

    Hi and welcome again to Cabra (that's Spanish for goat). Here's a quick look at the controls:

    • Press the "Sample Flashcards" button below to open that set of flashcards (they're called decks in Cabra). From there, you can study the flashcards in that set, create new ones, and more.
    • Cabra is separated into pages: a home page, a studying page, and so on. Use the buttons in the top right corner to move between pages. Push the home button to come back to this page.
    • Press the button in the top left corner to open the menu and access important features like syncing your flashcards or changing settings.

    To get started, open the sample flashcard set and explore the features inside. If you have questions or comments, contact us - you'll find that button in the menu!

    Hi and welcome back to Cabra! The main new feature in this version is flashcard sharing. Check it out here or access it in the menu (hit the button in the top left to open the menu.)

    If you have questions, let us know - the contact button is in the menu!

    Try the new Sharing feature
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